A Thing of Beauty / by keith messick

is a joy for ever-Keats.


Your eyes detect movement and focus images for your brain to process. While this may be purely mechanical, our mind then perceives whether we think we see beauty. This is personal and highly subjective. Some objects in your field of vision catch your attention; others do not. But beauty causes pause and contemplation. The sight produces a sensation that is felt and not always easy to describe. It can be physically stunning.


A Photographer

The other day a photographer (Doug Shwartz-http://explorerdj.smugmug.com/) stopped to admire the Gazanias in the front yard of our Skyline Project. They were in full bloom. He carefully studied the flowers, selected several colors, picked them, arranged them, and finally photographed them. The result was quite beautiful.





Skyline Project

Our Skyline Project has a simple landscape that we specifically designed for this house. It is a minimal design that is water wise, requires little maintenance, and reflects the aesthetic of the house.


Hardscape elements

  • Walkway

  • Driveway

  • Gravel

  • Block wall

Plant material

  • Gazania

  • Liriope

  • Crape Myrtle Trees